Contact Information:
Office Location: Madera Hall Room 2603
Phone: 805-437-2770
Scott Frisch is Professor of the Department of Political Science. A native of New Jersey, Scott received his B.A. from Lafayette College, a Masters in Government Administration from the University of Pennsylvania, and a PhD in Political Science from the Claremont Graduate School. Scott served as a Presidential Management Intern in the Department of Treasury and as a Legislative Assistant in the Office of Senator Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey. He joined the faculty at CSUCI in 2003 after several years teaching at California State University, Bakersfield, and at East Carolina University. Scott's primary research interests are Congress, and the budgetary process. He is coauthor (with Sean Kelly) of Committee Assignment Politics in the U.S. House of Representatives and Jimmy Carter and the Water Wars (forthcoming). His book The Politics of Pork was published by Garland Press in 1998.
Spring 2014 Class Schedule
Class # | Subject | Catalog # | Section | Title | Days | Times |
2112 | POLS | 150 | 01 | American Political Institutions | T/TH | 4:30-5:45pm |
POLS | 345 | 01 | Science and Public Policy | T/TH | 12:00-1:15pm | |
2514 | POLS | 493 | 01 | Internship | ARR | ARR |
2515 | POLS | 494 | 01 | Independent Research | ARR | ARR |
Spring 2014 Office Hours
Day | Time |
T/TH | 3:00-4:00pm |